Since arriving at St. Vivian, I have noticed that the way you have done communion here at Sunday and weekday Masses is very unconventional. I am, of course, referring to the fact that communicants here at St. Vivian begin processing from the back pew instead of the front pew, and walk up along the
From the Pastor’s Desk – Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday, August 15
As mentioned in my article last week, the Solemnity of the Assumption is coming up this Monday, August 15. This is NOT a holy day of obligation this year. However, it is a special feast day, and it is the patronal feast of Assumption Parish in Mt. Healthy, a parish in our family. While we will celebrate
From the Pastor’s Desk – August: The S7 Family’s Super Saints Month
It was pointed out to me that the month of August has many saints’ feast days that are the patrons of our parishes in the S7 Family of Parishes. I checked for myself and was surprised to see that 5 of our 6 parishes could claim a saint’s day during the month of August!
We begin with August
Father Ronald Haft Bio
Greetings in the name of the Lord:
I am Father Ronald Haft, one of your Parochial Vicars. I would like to share a short biography about myself.
I was born in 1966, and raised in Colerain Township. Our family consisted of Dad (Dick), Mom (Ruth), and older brothers Rick and Ray. Our family is Catholic,
From the Pastor’s Desk – Getting Settled
As of this writing, I have been here, living at Assumption, as Pastor of the S-7 Family of Parishes, for almost three weeks. I am still getting settled in. So many boxes, so many totes, so many decisions, and so much dust! The chaos is lessening with each new day.
However, the learning has not lessened!
From the Pastor’s Desk – Fr. Andrew Umberg’s Bio
I want to tell you a little about myself. To make this quick I will use bullet points, then I’ll say a few other things:
- Born March 18, 1963, Cincinnati
- Third of seven children (5 boys, 2 girls)
- Both parents Catholic
- Jane Hoop School: Kindergarten, First Grade
- Assumption: Second Grade (Sister Edith)
- St. James, White Oak: (3rd – 8th)
- LaSalle: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior)
- Colerain: (Senior Year—not kicked out of LaSalle!)
- C.T.C.: (one year in chef program, 1981-1982)
- Pontifical College Josephinum: (1982-1986)
- Mount St. Mary’s Seminary: (1986-1991)
- Ordained June 1, 1991
- St. Dominic Parish: (Vicar, 1991-1994)
- Pontifical College Josephinum: (Dean of Students, 1994-1999)
- Studies: Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (1999-2001)–License in Dogmatic Theology
- Mount St. Mary’s Seminary: (Dean of Students, Lecturer in Systematic Theology, 2001-2005)
- St. Angela Merici Parish, Brown County: (Pastoral Administrator, 2004-2005)
- St. William Parish: Pastor (2005-2015)
- St. Joseph Parish, North Bend: Pastor (2015-2022)
As you can see, I am a Catholic boy from a big family, who tried to avoid a call to the priesthood by being a chef, but then gave in. This August it will be 40 years since
Parting Words From Father Chibueze
Like I said during the weekend Mass at Saint Vivian, last week was my last week with the parishioners of both Saint Vivian and Saint Bart. On Thursday, after morning Mass at Saint Vivian, I headed north of the Archdiocese, to Saints Charles, Albert the Great, and Ascension, to be precise. May I seize
2021-2022 Blessed Saints Region PSR Registration
Blessed Saints Region PSR registration for the 2021-2022 year is now open. This program is for school-aged children (K-8) who are home-schooled or attend public schools, to learn about and deepen their belief in Jesus and their Catholic faith. All classes will be held on the St. Bartholomew campus,