Liturgy & Music

There a number of ways to become involved with the Liturgy and Music at St. Vivian parish.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

The Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the priest in distribution of Holy Eucharist to those attending Mass, as well as those who are homebound or in nursing homes. Ministers should have a profound reverence, respect and deep devotion to our Lord present in the consecrated bread and wine and a compassionate heart to serve the homebound. A minimum of nine volunteers are needed at each Mass to fulfill this ministry. Ministers arrive at church 15 minutes before Mass to prepare and stay after Mass for 10 minutes to clean the sacred vessels. Volunteers participate in a training session and commit to distribute at one weekend Mass each month. One minister at each Mass volunteers to take communion to the homebound. Ministers of the Eucharist are also asked to be available, if possible, for weekday and holiday Masses. Please contact Norma Jo Platt (513-543-3225) to learn more.


Greeters welcome all who attend Mass at St. Vivian Church with a warm and friendly greeting, hand out hymnal guides and make newcomers feel welcome to our parish. Volunteers are needed for all weekend Masses and holidays, and should arrive 15 minutes prior to Mass. If you’re interested in becoming a Greeter, please contact Mary Ellen Begehr (513-761-0267).


Lectors read the scriptures during scheduled Masses in order to proclaim the Word of God to our parishioners. Members of this ministry attend a training session and are asked to participate in opportunities for continuing education in this ministry. The ability to read slowly and public speaking skills are helpful. About 40 lectors are needed for weekend Masses each month. The time commitment is 90 minutes for each scheduled Mass; most lectors minister once each month. Interested in becoming a Lector? Please contact Fran Schwartz (513-378-5482).

Music Ministry

Music Ministry serves at parish liturgies to aid the gathered assembly’s full participation in singing responses, acclamations, and other texts set to music and to help add beauty and solemnity to parish celebrations. Volunteers commit to weekly rehearsal and to sing or play an instrument at one liturgy per weekend, as well as special liturgies throughout the year.

Rehearsal times are as follows for weekend liturgies:

Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm (choir) (August-May)
Saturdays, 2:30-2:45 pm (3:00 pm Mass)
Sundays, 9:00-9:15 am (9:30 am Mass)

Music Ministry actively seeks volunteers (singers and instrumentalists). No audition is required for singers. Psalmists/Cantors and Instrumentalists must audition. To join Music Ministry, please contact Julie Borgerding, the Director of Music (513-728-4338).


Servers assist the priest as he presides over the liturgy, serve their parish family by assisting in the celebration of the liturgy as a mirror and model for the gathered assembly, and serve God through worship and prayer. Servers are to arrive at church at least 15 minutes before the start of the liturgy. Outside of the liturgy, servers meet for training when they first become servers and when they are to serve at a special liturgy such as the Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil services. Servers also meet occasionally to keep up to date with any liturgical changes which affect the way they perform their ministry. Interested in becoming a server? Please contact the parish office (513-728-4331).


The ushers assist in greeting their fellow parishioners, making the liturgy warm and prayerful, collecting the weekly offering, remaining on-call for any emergency that may occur during the liturgy, being available to distribute any handouts at the liturgy, and saying goodbye to parishioners at the conclusion of the liturgy. This ministry makes certain that the worship experience is hospitable for all those who attend the liturgy by assuring that all present have seats and that the temperature of the church is comfortable. The ushers take up the collection and facilitate the offertory and communion processions. At the end of the liturgy they pass out bulletins and engage in fellowship with the parishioners. Volunteers of all ages are needed. The one requirement is that ushers must have been confirmed or are at least of high school age. Seven ushers are needed for each liturgy, four at the main entrance and three at the “L” entrance. Each usher is responsible for one liturgy (of their choice) per week and must arrive 15 to 30 minutes before the start of the liturgy. The ushers seldom meet outside of the liturgy.