Sacramental Prep


First Reconciliation and First Communion



Anointing of the Sick

If you have a serious or chronic medical condition, are in frail health, are experiencing serious mental health issues, are of advanced age, or have a surgery scheduled in the near future, stop by the sacristy after Mass and ask for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. You can also call the parish office (513.728.4331) to schedule an appointment.

If you know of a parishioner in the hospital or if you have a planned hospitalization, please let us know. As a patient, please tell the hospital admitting clerk or a pastoral visitor that you would like your church notified. The hospitals cannot and will not call us unless you tell them to do so.

Interested in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church?

Need to request a sacramental record?

You may be redirected to our family website of Our Lady of Divine Family of Parishes by clicking on the links above.