There is a tradition in business, politics, and other various institutions, of the new leader being assessed on the first 100 days of leadership. I would like to give a report on my first 100 days.
Being appointed the head of six separate institutions simultaneously, it would be more fair to wait 600 days! I am supportive of the Beacons of Light planning process. However, in our family, at this point, I am spread too thin. A new pastor normally comes in, meets everybody, learns the parish, and makes some adjustments. This is different. I am thinking of possible ways to remedy this.
The first 50 days, I only directly ministered to 3 of the 6 parishes: Assumption, St. Vivian, and St. Bartholomew. As of late August, I added St. Clare. I have celebrated many liturgies, including some funeral liturgies, and I have attended many evening meetings at these four parishes. This weekend I will celebrate my first Sunday liturgies at St. Bernard and Mother of Christ parishes.
I have arranged for the first meeting of our Beacons of Light Planning Council at the end of this month. This council is composed of members of the six parishes’ pastoral councils (two delegates from each parish). One of our tasks will be to come up with a 2023 plan for Beacons of Light for our family of parishes. Please pray for us, that we will work well and wisely together in our planning, to make this family of parishes one parish in the next five years.
Thank you for your cooperation, patience, and prayers.
-Fr. Umberg