Dear Sabres,
It is with sadness that I write to you today. I have enjoyed my time with St. Vivian immensely, but it will be coming to an end at the end of this school year. I have accepted a position as principal of my parish’s school, St. Gabriel Consolidated School. It was an unexpected turn in which my pastor asked me to step up because their current principal is going back to teaching. I love St. Vivian and I know that it is an incredible school with wonderful students, families, staff, and parishioners. It has an excellent reputation and many, many successful graduates. It will be very hard to leave such a loving place! However, I know that Father Umberg and the wonderful parish and school staff will find the very best candidate to replace me. That person will quickly fall in love with St. Vivian as I did and cherish its uniqueness and community.
I want to thank all of you for welcoming me and supporting me these past two years. I wouldn’t have been able to do my job without the support of PTA, the parish, the faculty and staff, the families, and the greater community. You are all in my heart and I will only be a phone call away should any of you need me! I will remain at St. Vivian until the end of June to set things up for next school year. As soon as we have another principal in place, we will introduce that person and provide any support that is necessary to make the transition. Please pray for us to make the best choices and a seamless transition.
God bless,
Kemberly Markham