Like I said during the weekend Mass at Saint Vivian, last week was my last week with the parishioners of both Saint Vivian and Saint Bart. On Thursday, after morning Mass at Saint Vivian, I headed north of the Archdiocese, to Saints Charles, Albert the Great, and Ascension, to be precise. May I seize this opportunity to say a very big “Thank You” to every one of you. It has been a wonderful three years of pastoral experience with these parishes, and it has been good encountering every one of you. For all your support and encouragement, “Thank you”. Please be rest assured of my continuous prayers for every one of you and please do keep me in your prayers too so that one day we will reach our final goal of inheriting the kingdom prepared for us by our Divine Master.
Dayton is about forty to fifty minutes from Cincinnati. Please stop by whenever you are around Dayton.
The readings of this past weekend remind us of our commitment to God’s call. When Elijah anointed Elisha, Elisha abandoned whatever he was doing and followed Elijah. Elisha remained committed to the Lord and never looked back.
Commitment is very paramount in our Christian calling. As committed parishioners of Saints Vivian and Bart, I urge you all to stay together with the parishes that would be joining you. Do not leave your parish because of a change in Mass schedule or because your own schedule is affected. Following Jesus is not rosy; it requires sacrifice. May we continue to pray for the discernment of the Holy Spirit for all the priests and parishioners as we come together as one family of parishes. Remember what the Lord Jesus said in the Gospel reading of last Sunday, “Whoever that puts his hand on the plow does not look back”. Jesus wants us to be committed to our parish and never look back by going to another church. May we stay committed to our parishes through thick and thin and in good and bad times so that we will hear the voice of the Divine Master at the last day; “Well done good and faithful steward.”
-Fr. Chibueze Asiegbulem