The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the priest in distribution of Holy Communion to those attending Mass, as well as those who are homebound or in nursing homes. Ministers should have a profound reverence, respect and deep devotion to our Lord present in the consecrated host and wine and a compasssionate heart to serve the homebound. A minimum of nine volunteers are needed at each Mass to fulfill this ministry. Ministers arrive at chuch 15 minutes before Mass to prepare and stay after Mass for 10 minutes to clean the sacred vessels. Volunteers particiapte in a training session and commit to distrbute at one weekend Mass per month. One minister at each Mass volunteers to take communion to the homebound. Ministers of the Eucharist are also asked to be available, if possible, for weekday and holiday Masses. Time commitment: 90 minutes each month. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Amy Hagedorn at 513-761-6227.